
Welcome to Kotor Mobile Mods. Formerly know, and originally founded as ‘Kotor iOS Mods’  on July 4, 2013 (Shortly after the release of Kotor for iOS), the mission from the beginning has been to turn this place into the  go-to site for anyone looking to mod Kotor on mobile platforms. PC’s  get most of the love in the Kotor modding scene, and not at all without reason, but here at Kotor Mobile Mods, the goal is to level the playing field a bit when it comes to modding between the various Kotor platforms. Thats why, though we are mobile focused, you’ll also see some things here and there across the site that apply to modding the Mac App Store version of Kotor I/II (its also a bit neglected when it comes to mods).

Kotor Mobile Mods, as an organization, is very community focused. Though the site is primarily run only by an individual, much of the knowledge found here has come from the community. As the site admin, I, Revanchist, would like to formally thank all those who were a part of making the original ‘Kotor iOS Mods’ happen. The many comments helped to spur on the early Kotor iOS modding efforts, and played a large part in making the relaunch as ‘Kotor Mobile Mods’ possible.

Modding on Kotor mobile platforms may be a bit more established now, but the modding scene is still no less community focused. If you feel theres something you can offer to be of help here on the site, feel free to leave a comment and let us know!

What you’ll find out on the site is that modding on mobile version of Kotor is not impossible, its just a bit more difficult. You’ll find all the resources you need to make Kotor modding on mobile platforms as quick and easy as possible.  The next generation of Kotor players are primarily going playing on a tablet or cell phone, not computer in the basement. We believe that modding should be just as much of an aspect of Kotor on iOS and Android as it was and is on the PC’s.  So lets make it happen, together.

From this page, you should be able to navigate to every corner of our site.  So here- this is what we got for you so far:

How to Mod



15 thoughts on “Home!

  1. Hey great start!! Perhaps you could start an updated “Working iOS mods list” or put entries with working mods with some instructions if necessary.. For example I got the “All Jedi Party” mod working by starting a new game or the Revan robes work but the lightsabers crash if used (so leave them in the containers)..


      • Updated quite a few things today! Alot if work is still to come (specifically that “working mods list” you suggested is next up”)

        If anyone has tested a mod on ios his or herself and been sucessful, if you could shoot me an email to kotoriosmods@gmail.com containing the name of the mod you successfully installed, a screenshot showing it in action, and a brief description any issues you may or may have had in the process of installing the mod and making it work in game (sounds like a lot on paper… Sorry 🙂 ) Then i’ll be sure to post it to our upcoming list.

        Thanks alot! 😀


  2. Hey modder rocker dudes or lady dudes, first of all I love what you guys are doing with this website, I’m a big fan of kotor an kotor 2, we need to mod for the game to evolve 😛 but enough about this I have a problem and I hope you can give me advise on how to go about this, I’m using i fun box to get inside my kotor for the override file, here’s were the problem is, everytime I try to put a file into it, the file it self refreshes an takes what ever I’ve just put in out?? Crazy. Any advise?? I’m so sad I can’t wear my revan robes 😦


    • I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but well, I might have to. You are not at all the first to report issues getting iFunbox to work here. (You’re the third actually haha 🙂 ) Heres the deal though- after talking with a couple like you who have had issues, and after testing a few things myself, we have determined that unless you jailbreak your device, you will not be able to go inside the Kotor.app package to modify anything inside the Override folder. (This is because of how code-signing works on an un-jailbroken device and a bunch of other technical jargon. Basically, you can’t modify anything inside the .app package unless you jailbreak.) This is most certainly bad new for anyone wishing to modify Kotor on iOS, and it definitely limits the audience of those who will even try. That being said, there are a few things you can do.

      If you are on an iOS version below 7.1, then you can simply jailbreak away, and follow the instructions as listed, and everything should work fine. If you are on 7.1 however, well, your out of luck :(. Sorry.

      If you are on 7.1 though, there is a tiny bit of good news. (Obviously, you can wait around for iOS 8.0 and its hopefully impending jailbreak, but other than that…) On an un-jailbroken device, you are still able to modify the contents of the Documents folder in an app. (As this is where all the user created data is stored.) This folder is where all of your save games are stored. Why is this good news? Because it means you may still use the KSE Save Game editor to accomplish very minor modding. (You can change the appearance of your character, hack stats, all kinds of good stuff.

      So, for the full experience, you’ll have to be jailbroken. If you are unwilling or unable to jailbreak, you are limited to using the Save Game editor. I know that as of right now, the site does not spell this out well at all, and for that I apologize. I only just recently discovered this was the case myself, and honestly, I have not had the time to update with this information. I hope it all works out for you! I like my Revan’s Robes too haha.


      • Greetings,

        Sadly, you are more than correct with IOS 7.1.1 problem. It seems to be impossible to mod it with 7.1.
        Funny thing is that when I transfer my modded game it will add “overwrite” folder and all the files into IOS but they wont effect. I find it that bit odd? To be honest only mod I would like to see (Only essential) is Femela revan untold lovestory. But seems to be that I must live whitout it =(

        Then again, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel and they have managed to jailbreak iPhone 5 with 7.1 but its not public yet.


      • If you can successfully get the files loaded into the game I would be quite surprised if it did not actually work in game. So yeah, that is odd. Very odd. If you are not jailbroken, how did you go about loading files into the app outside of the user-writable Documents folder?


      • That is a good question, but I did follow your guide until the point where i realized that I cant delete files or even rename them. But still I uploaded files and now ifunbox shows me “overwrite” folder with my stuffs in it.

        I cant confirm does the mods work or not atm. Im at work and i accidentally left my saves at home ( didnt upload them back).

        So i would need a new game and so far I have only installed untold love story and better juhani. But both are too far in game to fastly test it at work.


  3. UPDATE: Ok, my bad, it seems IOS version has build in overwrite folder for IOS settings and IOS UI. So that did confuse me, I truely cant move files. Only save games but thats all. This makes me sad.


    • Ahh, gotcha. I found that pretty odd– The actual override folder for Kotor iOS is found in the KOTOR.app bundle for in the Kotor IPA. Not that that does you any good unless you’re jailbroken… sorry:(


  4. I’m jailbroken and still couldn’t mess with the .app folder via my pc – found a workaround though. You can still use ifunbox to drop the modded kotor.app into some other folder in your ios device (the documents folder, for example), and from there, you can use ifile to delete the vanilla version and copy/paste the modded folder into the root Kotor directory (all done from the device itself).


    • It is pretty weird that iFunbox would not allow you to do this, but the workaround you’ve mentioned should work in theory. 🙂 (For everyone out there having issues with iFunbox: You might want to try an app called iMazing. Its formerly known as DiskAid, and its basically iFunbox on steroids. And it looks much prettier as well! Its a paid app, but I use it personally and if you have to manage iOS devices from a desktop often, and hate working with iTunes, its a Godsend.)


  5. Found this out the hard way and had to delete and reinstall my KOTOR. Do not try to attempt to download mods and install them using only the iphone. It doesn’t work.


  6. Just a heads up, every PC mod I have tried so far has worked on the IOS version with a catch.
    All the mod files need to be renamed with only lowercase letters. This fixed all the solid black shaders or crashes that I have encountered with mods on IOS so far.


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